How many times have you heard some women make that statement, with some men saying something similar?  Too many times to count, right?!  These folks live in a fantasy world of denial.  It’s a way to explain being lonely and unliked by peers without taking full responsibility (there’s that word again) for creating that unwanted reality. 

Often, these are attractive people, physically, with a sense of style in the way they dress and live (superficial).  They tend to think these trappings are important with respect to who and what they are, while being overly sensitive to remarks, from others, that don’t uphold how they see themselves.  They may have jobs and incomes they use to separate themselves from others… to say they are better.  Although they behave  with an ‘air’ of confidence, these folks are often very insecure people leading unfulfilled lives.  They really don’t intimidate potential mates.  These people are so insufferable that folks can’t stand to be around them for any length of time. 

Strong in the trappings of success, basic intelligence and attractiveness, hiding their inner ugliness, loneliness, and boredom, while wondering why they don’t have the love they believe they deserve in their life.

When people use the terms of jealousy and envy, too often those terms are used, incorrectly.  The word jealous is used when they really mean envy, and vise versa.  A person is jealous when they feel they are losing something to another making them feel less.  Like losing a mate to another.   Envy is when you feel you’d like to be in the shoes of another.  You know, you’d like to trade places.  That’s envy!  So women/men can only be jealous of a another who is taking something that once was theirs (so to speak).

Invariably, these folks want you to see the world as they do, and when you don’t, it becomes an insult to them.  They lack the ability to see when they insult or disrespect others, yet they have the idea that telling them the truth about how they actually behave is insulting and disrespectful.

When it comes to their love life, the people they’re interested in often find them too consumed with themselves, living in denial as to how a relationship functions, with much less self worth than their facade would lead one to believe.  The concept of treating others the way you wish to be treated isn’t truly realized in their lives.  It’s understood by their intellect, but it’s not actualized in their behavior.  To be oblivious to your behavior toward others, yet see any little negative thing directed at you as a personal affront, is to be absent from reality.  THAT’S exactly where these folks live… absent from reality.

These folks usually need a traumatic event(s) to move them to change, or they reach a state of ‘being sick and tired of being sick and tired’.  This state is a recognition that what one has been doing isn’t really working, and it’s time to approach life differently.  A psychologist or psychiatrist is often their  vehicle to this recognition.

When you know the motivations of your own feelings and emotions, it opens the avenues to understanding why people do what they do.  It’s what makes self knowledge so critical to understanding life.  It allows you to see perspectives outside of your own giving you a clearer picture of reality.  The more perspectives you engage, the greater your ability to see reality clearly (and clearer).  So many of us don’t even recognize our own perspective, no less someone from another race, religion, gender, nationality or way of thinking. 

So the next time you hear someone state the title of this entry, you’ll have enough awareness from what you’ve read, to read them like a book.  A relationship with someone like this may be fun in the short term (while they show you their most attractive self), but is a far cry from being long term relationship material.

To be the best you, calls for being responsible for your behavior, while understanding how your current behavior impacts your future according to the Spiritual Law of Sowing and Reaping!  The Law is in play, whether you are aware of the Law, believe in the Law or not!  That’s life!!


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