How many times have you heard ladies say, I WANT A GUY THAT’S REAL? I’M TIRED OF THE FAKES. Then you take a look at her, and she’s got fake boobs, fake fingernails, hair that ain’t her’s, wearing under garments that hold in her bulges, fake eyelashes and caps on her teeth. Does a guy deserve a woman as real as he is?


What about the ladies that claim, I LIKE A LITTLE THUG IN MY MAN. The guy carries an illegal weapon, sells drugs on the side, and sees other women. Only for the ladies to be disappointed in the behavior of the Bad Boy! What was she expecting?


Then there is the lady who says she likes being around a man who’s generous with his woman. And it turns out she’s as selfish as hell, offering very little to the relationship other than her looks. Why would a woman like this think she deserved a loving, generous man?


Then you have a guy that has little trouble attracting women, however treats them as though they are inconsequential once he’s found a way into their hearts. This same guy is disappointed when he finally finds a women he really wants to be with, but she treats him the way he’s treated other women all of this time. Did he fail to recognize that you treat people the way you want to be treated? Does he deserve a woman that respects him, when he’s been so disrespectful?


How often do men and women meet without each trying to show off to the other? Are relationships caught up in a power struggle where one partner tries to show the other they have the upper hand? Or that the partner should feel lucky that they were chosen one?


Men and women can be awfully cruel towards the people they are not interested. Women tend to verbalize it and men internalize it. Is there a better way to relationships without all of the drama?